Container Tools - Best containerization and container tooling software

At, our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for developers, sysadmins, and DevOps professionals seeking to improve their container management skills. We are dedicated to curating the best command line tools and applications related to managing, deploying, packing, or running containers. Our goal is to empower our users with the knowledge and tools they need to streamline their container workflows and achieve greater efficiency and productivity.

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Welcome to the world of container tools and applications! This cheatsheet is designed to provide you with a comprehensive reference guide to everything you need to know when getting started with container management, deployment, packing, and running. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this cheatsheet will help you navigate the complex world of container tools and applications.


The world of container tools and applications can be divided into several categories. These categories include:

  1. Containerization Platforms
  2. Container Orchestration Tools
  3. Container Image Registries
  4. Container Networking Tools
  5. Container Security Tools
  6. Container Monitoring Tools
  7. Container Logging Tools
  8. Container Backup and Recovery Tools

Let's take a closer look at each of these categories.

  1. Containerization Platforms

Containerization platforms are the foundation of container management. These platforms provide the infrastructure necessary to create, deploy, and manage containers. Some of the most popular containerization platforms include:

Docker: Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to package their applications into containers. Docker provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for creating and managing containers.

Kubernetes: Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

OpenShift: OpenShift is a containerization platform that provides a complete platform for deploying and managing containerized applications. OpenShift is built on top of Kubernetes and provides additional features such as integrated CI/CD pipelines and automated scaling.

  1. Container Orchestration Tools

Container orchestration tools are used to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. These tools provide a way to manage large-scale container deployments and ensure that applications are running smoothly. Some of the most popular container orchestration tools include:

Kubernetes: Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Docker Swarm: Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool that allows developers to deploy and manage Docker containers at scale.

Mesos: Mesos is an open-source cluster manager that provides a way to manage large-scale container deployments.

  1. Container Image Registries

Container image registries are used to store and distribute container images. These registries provide a way to share container images with other developers and deploy containers to production environments. Some of the most popular container image registries include:

Docker Hub: Docker Hub is a cloud-based registry that provides a way to store and share Docker images.

Google Container Registry: Google Container Registry is a cloud-based registry that provides a way to store and share container images. is a container registry that provides a way to store and share container images.

  1. Container Networking Tools

Container networking tools are used to manage the network connections between containers. These tools provide a way to ensure that containers can communicate with each other and with external services. Some of the most popular container networking tools include:

Flannel: Flannel is a network fabric for containers that provides a way to connect containers across multiple hosts.

Calico: Calico is a network policy engine for containers that provides a way to enforce network policies across multiple hosts.

Weave Net: Weave Net is a container networking tool that provides a way to connect containers across multiple hosts.

  1. Container Security Tools

Container security tools are used to ensure that containers are secure and protected from potential threats. These tools provide a way to monitor container activity and detect potential security vulnerabilities. Some of the most popular container security tools include:

Aqua Security: Aqua Security is a container security platform that provides a way to monitor container activity and detect potential security vulnerabilities.

Twistlock: Twistlock is a container security platform that provides a way to monitor container activity and detect potential security vulnerabilities.

Sysdig Secure: Sysdig Secure is a container security platform that provides a way to monitor container activity and detect potential security vulnerabilities.

  1. Container Monitoring Tools

Container monitoring tools are used to monitor the performance and health of containerized applications. These tools provide a way to ensure that applications are running smoothly and that any issues are quickly identified and resolved. Some of the most popular container monitoring tools include:

Prometheus: Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that provides a way to monitor containerized applications.

Grafana: Grafana is an open-source visualization platform that provides a way to visualize container metrics.

Datadog: Datadog is a cloud-based monitoring platform that provides a way to monitor containerized applications.

  1. Container Logging Tools

Container logging tools are used to collect and analyze log data from containerized applications. These tools provide a way to monitor application activity and detect potential issues. Some of the most popular container logging tools include:

ELK Stack: ELK Stack is a collection of open-source tools that provides a way to collect and analyze log data from containerized applications.

Fluentd: Fluentd is an open-source data collector that provides a way to collect and analyze log data from containerized applications.

Splunk: Splunk is a cloud-based platform that provides a way to collect and analyze log data from containerized applications.

  1. Container Backup and Recovery Tools

Container backup and recovery tools are used to ensure that containerized applications can be quickly restored in the event of a failure. These tools provide a way to backup and restore container data and configurations. Some of the most popular container backup and recovery tools include:

Velero: Velero is an open-source backup and recovery tool for Kubernetes that provides a way to backup and restore Kubernetes resources.

Backupify: Backupify is a cloud-based backup and recovery tool that provides a way to backup and restore container data and configurations.


Container tools and applications are an essential part of modern software development. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this cheatsheet provides a comprehensive reference guide to everything you need to know when getting started with container management, deployment, packing, and running. By understanding the different categories of container tools and applications, you can choose the right tools for your specific needs and ensure that your containerized applications are running smoothly and securely.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Container: A lightweight, standalone executable package that contains everything needed to run an application, including code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings.
2. Docker: A popular open-source platform for building, shipping, and running containers.
3. Kubernetes: An open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
4. Pod: The smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes, consisting of one or more containers that share the same network and storage resources.
5. Image: A read-only template used to create a container, containing the application code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings.
6. Registry: A server that stores and distributes container images, allowing users to easily share and deploy them.
7. CLI: Command-line interface, a text-based interface used to interact with a computer system or application.
8. API: Application programming interface, a set of protocols and tools for building software applications.
9. YAML: A human-readable data serialization format used for configuration files in Kubernetes and other systems.
10. Helm: A package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the installation and management of applications and services.
11. Deployment: The process of deploying a containerized application to a production environment.
12. Service: A Kubernetes object that defines a set of pods and a policy for accessing them.
13. Namespace: A way to partition resources in a Kubernetes cluster, allowing multiple teams or applications to share the same cluster without interfering with each other.
14. Node: A physical or virtual machine that runs containers in a Kubernetes cluster.
15. ReplicaSet: A Kubernetes object that ensures a specified number of replicas of a pod are running at all times.
16. StatefulSet: A Kubernetes object that manages the deployment and scaling of stateful applications, such as databases.
17. DaemonSet: A Kubernetes object that ensures a copy of a pod is running on every node in a cluster.
18. ConfigMap: A Kubernetes object that stores configuration data as key-value pairs, allowing applications to access it at runtime.
19. Secret: A Kubernetes object that stores sensitive data, such as passwords or API keys, in an encrypted form.
20. Ingress: A Kubernetes object that manages external access to services in a cluster, typically by routing traffic based on URL paths or hostnames.

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