How to Monitor Containers with Prometheus

Are you tired of manually monitoring your containerized applications? Do you want to automate the process and get real-time insights into your containers' performance? Look no further than Prometheus, the open-source monitoring solution that has become the de facto standard for container monitoring.

In this article, we'll explore how to monitor containers with Prometheus, including installation, configuration, and best practices. We'll cover everything from basic metrics to advanced alerting, so you can get the most out of your containerized applications.

What is Prometheus?

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring solution that was developed by SoundCloud in 2012. It was designed to monitor microservices and containerized applications, and has since become the de facto standard for container monitoring.

Prometheus uses a pull-based model to collect metrics from your applications. It scrapes metrics from your applications at regular intervals, stores them in a time-series database, and provides a powerful query language for analyzing the data.

Prometheus also includes a powerful alerting system that can notify you when your applications are experiencing issues. You can configure alerts based on any metric that Prometheus collects, and customize the notification channels to fit your needs.

Installing Prometheus

Before we can start monitoring our containers with Prometheus, we need to install it. Prometheus can be installed on any Linux machine, and there are several installation methods available.

Installing Prometheus with Docker

One of the easiest ways to install Prometheus is with Docker. Docker is a containerization platform that allows you to run applications in isolated environments, and it's a perfect match for Prometheus.

To install Prometheus with Docker, you'll need to have Docker installed on your machine. Once you have Docker installed, you can run the following command to start Prometheus:

docker run -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus

This command will start a Prometheus container and expose the web interface on port 9090. You can access the web interface by navigating to http://localhost:9090 in your web browser.

Installing Prometheus on Linux

If you prefer to install Prometheus directly on your Linux machine, you can download the latest release from the Prometheus website. Once you've downloaded the release, you can extract it to a directory of your choice and start Prometheus with the following command:

./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml

This command will start Prometheus and load the configuration from the prometheus.yml file. We'll cover how to configure Prometheus in the next section.

Configuring Prometheus

Now that we have Prometheus installed, we need to configure it to monitor our containers. Prometheus uses a configuration file to define the targets that it should scrape, as well as any alerting rules that should be applied.

Defining Targets

The first step in configuring Prometheus is to define the targets that it should scrape. A target is a URL that points to a metrics endpoint on your application.

To define a target, you'll need to add a scrape_configs section to your configuration file. Here's an example configuration that scrapes metrics from a container running on the same machine:

  scrape_interval: 15s

  - job_name: 'myapp'
      - targets: ['localhost:8080']

In this example, we've defined a job named myapp that scrapes metrics from localhost:8080. The scrape_interval option specifies how often Prometheus should scrape metrics from this target.

Defining Alerting Rules

Once we've defined our targets, we can define alerting rules that should be applied when certain conditions are met. Alerting rules are defined in a separate file, which is included in the main configuration file.

Here's an example alerting rule that sends an email when the CPU usage of a container exceeds 80%:

  - name: 'myapp'
      - alert: 'HighCPUUsage'
        expr: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD"}[5m])) by (container_name) > 0.8
        for: 1m
          severity: 'critical'
          summary: 'High CPU usage in {{ $labels.container_name }}'
          description: '{{ $labels.container_name }} is using more than 80% of CPU'

In this example, we've defined an alert named HighCPUUsage that triggers when the CPU usage of a container exceeds 80%. The expr option defines the Prometheus expression that should be evaluated to trigger the alert, and the for option specifies how long the condition must be true before the alert is triggered.

Monitoring Containers with Prometheus

Now that we have Prometheus installed and configured, we can start monitoring our containers. Prometheus provides several built-in metrics that can be used to monitor container performance, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network traffic.

Basic Metrics

To monitor basic container metrics, we can use the container_* metrics that are provided by Prometheus. These metrics are collected by the Prometheus Node Exporter, which is a separate component that runs on each machine that hosts containers.

Here are some examples of basic container metrics that can be monitored with Prometheus:

To monitor these metrics, we can use the Prometheus query language to create graphs and alerts. Here's an example query that shows the CPU usage of a container over time:

sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD"}[5m])) by (container_name)

This query calculates the rate of CPU usage for each container over the last 5 minutes, and groups the results by container name. We can use this query to create a graph that shows the CPU usage of each container over time.

Advanced Metrics

In addition to the basic container metrics provided by Prometheus, we can also collect custom metrics from our applications. Custom metrics can provide more detailed insights into the performance of our applications, and can be used to monitor specific business metrics.

To collect custom metrics, we need to instrument our applications with a Prometheus client library. There are client libraries available for several programming languages, including Go, Java, and Python.

Once we've instrumented our applications, we can define custom metrics in our Prometheus configuration file. Here's an example configuration that defines a custom metric for the number of requests processed by an application:

  scrape_interval: 15s

  - job_name: 'myapp'
      - targets: ['localhost:8080']

  - 'rules.yml'

In this example, we've included a separate file named rules.yml that defines our custom metrics. Here's an example rule that defines a custom metric for the number of requests processed by an application:

  - name: 'myapp'
      - record: 'myapp_requests_total'
        expr: sum(rate(myapp_requests_total[5m]))

In this example, we've defined a custom metric named myapp_requests_total that counts the number of requests processed by our application over the last 5 minutes. We can use this metric to create graphs and alerts that monitor the performance of our application.


In this article, we've explored how to monitor containers with Prometheus. We've covered everything from basic metrics to advanced alerting, so you can get the most out of your containerized applications.

Prometheus is a powerful monitoring solution that can help you automate the monitoring of your containerized applications. With Prometheus, you can get real-time insights into your containers' performance, and quickly identify and resolve issues.

If you're not already using Prometheus to monitor your containers, now is the time to start. With its powerful query language and alerting system, Prometheus is the perfect tool for monitoring containerized applications.

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