Top 10 Command Line Tools for Managing Containers

Are you tired of managing your containers through a graphical user interface? Do you want to take your container management skills to the next level? Look no further than the command line! In this article, we'll explore the top 10 command line tools for managing containers.

1. Docker CLI

It's no surprise that the Docker CLI is at the top of our list. Docker is the most popular containerization platform, and its command line interface is powerful and versatile. With the Docker CLI, you can create, start, stop, and manage containers with ease. You can also manage images, networks, and volumes. The Docker CLI is a must-have tool for any container management workflow.

2. Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)

Kubernetes is the leading container orchestration platform, and its command line interface, kubectl, is essential for managing Kubernetes clusters. With kubectl, you can deploy and manage applications, scale resources, and troubleshoot issues. The kubectl CLI is a powerful tool for managing complex container environments.

3. Podman

Podman is a container engine that provides a Docker-compatible command line interface. With Podman, you can manage containers, images, and volumes without the need for a daemon. Podman is a great alternative to Docker for those who prefer a more lightweight container engine.

4. CRI-O

CRI-O is another container engine that provides a Docker-compatible command line interface. CRI-O is designed to be lightweight and fast, making it a great choice for running containers in production environments. With CRI-O, you can manage containers, images, and volumes with ease.

5. rkt

rkt is a container engine that provides a simple and secure command line interface. With rkt, you can manage containers, images, and pods. rkt is designed to be lightweight and secure, making it a great choice for running containers in production environments.

6. LXD

LXD is a container hypervisor that provides a command line interface for managing containers. With LXD, you can create and manage containers, networks, and storage. LXD is designed to be fast and efficient, making it a great choice for running containers on bare metal servers.

7. Buildah

Buildah is a command line tool for building and managing container images. With Buildah, you can create and manage images without the need for a daemon. Buildah is a great tool for those who prefer to build images from scratch rather than using pre-built images.

8. Skopeo

Skopeo is a command line tool for managing container images. With Skopeo, you can inspect, copy, and delete images from container registries. Skopeo is a great tool for managing images across multiple container registries.

9. Helm

Helm is a command line tool for managing Kubernetes applications. With Helm, you can create, package, and deploy applications to Kubernetes clusters. Helm is a great tool for managing complex Kubernetes environments.

10. Ansible

Ansible is a powerful automation tool that can be used for managing containers. With Ansible, you can automate the deployment and management of containers across multiple hosts. Ansible is a great tool for managing large container environments.


In conclusion, the command line is a powerful tool for managing containers. With the right command line tools, you can create, manage, and deploy containers with ease. Whether you prefer Docker, Kubernetes, or a lightweight container engine, there is a command line tool for you. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the world of container management with these top 10 command line tools!

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